Safety Topics Safety Topics Bicycle Safety Child Safety Distracted Driving Drug-Impaired Driving Drunk Driving First Responder Safety Motorcycle Safety Older Driver Safety Pedestrian Safety Rail Grade Crossing School Bus Safety Seat Belt Safety Speeding Teen Driver Safety Vehicle Safety View All Breadcrumb Safety Topics Distracted Driving Don't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. Don't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. About Awareness Month Ads Resources About Social NormingDon't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. is a year-round social norming campaign that focuses on distracted driving prevention. This page has resources that can be used to encourage drivers to focus on the road, and not drive distracted. National Distracted Driving Awareness Month April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and you'll see increased communication related to distracted driving. Use any of the material on this page throughout the month, except for certain days in April when a national high-visibility enforcement mobilization is happening. Talking Points We've prepared talking points related to this campaign. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document. Talking Points | English Earned Media We've produced sample news releases that can be used for media outreach. Sample News Release | English Ads Asset Type Video Distraction | Social Norming | The Dive | English TV | :30 :15 :10 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Audio Danger Radio | :30 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Snakes Radio | :30 & :15 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Banner Eyes Forward | Static & Animated Banner | 6 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Print Really Scary Print | 9 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Out-of-Home Really Scary Out-of-Home | 3 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK The above videos are available on YouTube and through No one may alter, edit, or change a NHTSA TV ad or web video. Message Boards DRIVE NOW TEXT LATER AVOID DANGER ONLY TEXT WHEN SAFELY PARKED DRIVE FOCUSED KEEP ROAD USERS SAFE PUT THE PHONE AWAY LET PASSENGERS BE DESIGNATED TEXTERS YOUR PASSENGER CAN USE THE PHONE FOR YOU LEAD BY EXAMPLE NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING Download All Text Additional Resources Distracted Driving facts and state mapsSign up to get campaign updates via email from Traffic Safety Marketing
Safety Topics Safety Topics Bicycle Safety Child Safety Distracted Driving Drug-Impaired Driving Drunk Driving First Responder Safety Motorcycle Safety Older Driver Safety Pedestrian Safety Rail Grade Crossing School Bus Safety Seat Belt Safety Speeding Teen Driver Safety Vehicle Safety View All Breadcrumb Safety Topics Distracted Driving Don't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. Don't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. About Awareness Month Ads Resources About Social NormingDon't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. is a year-round social norming campaign that focuses on distracted driving prevention. This page has resources that can be used to encourage drivers to focus on the road, and not drive distracted. National Distracted Driving Awareness Month April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and you'll see increased communication related to distracted driving. Use any of the material on this page throughout the month, except for certain days in April when a national high-visibility enforcement mobilization is happening. Talking Points We've prepared talking points related to this campaign. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document. Talking Points | English Earned Media We've produced sample news releases that can be used for media outreach. Sample News Release | English Ads Asset Type Video Distraction | Social Norming | The Dive | English TV | :30 :15 :10 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Audio Danger Radio | :30 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Snakes Radio | :30 & :15 available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Banner Eyes Forward | Static & Animated Banner | 6 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Print Really Scary Print | 9 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK Out-of-Home Really Scary Out-of-Home | 3 sizes available at PREVIEW EXTERNAL LINK The above videos are available on YouTube and through No one may alter, edit, or change a NHTSA TV ad or web video. Message Boards DRIVE NOW TEXT LATER AVOID DANGER ONLY TEXT WHEN SAFELY PARKED DRIVE FOCUSED KEEP ROAD USERS SAFE PUT THE PHONE AWAY LET PASSENGERS BE DESIGNATED TEXTERS YOUR PASSENGER CAN USE THE PHONE FOR YOU LEAD BY EXAMPLE NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING Download All Text Additional Resources Distracted Driving facts and state mapsSign up to get campaign updates via email from Traffic Safety Marketing