Safety Topics Safety Topics Bicycle Safety Child Safety Distracted Driving Drug-Impaired Driving Drunk Driving First Responder Safety Motorcycle Safety Older Driver Safety Pedestrian Safety Rail Grade Crossing School Bus Safety Seat Belt Safety Speeding Teen Driver Safety Vehicle Safety View All Breadcrumb Safety Topics Drunk Driving Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over About Enforcement CampaignRide Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national high-visibility enforcement campaign that focuses specifically on the consequences of drunk riding while urging riders to get a safe, sober ride home. Material created for this campaign highlights law enforcement’s goal of stopping drunk riders and spreading awareness about the increased police presence on our nation’s roads during this period.National MobilizationsAugust/September: Labor Day high-visibility enforcement campaign.Enforcement: August 15 – September 1, 2025Paid Media: August 13 – September 1, 2025Earned Media: July 14 – September 8, 2025These campaign dates coincide with the alcohol-impaired Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.Also, Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over may be used if high-visibility enforcement is happening in your area over the Fourth of July holiday. Facts Messaging July 4th Aug/Labor Day Ads Resources Facts Overview6,218 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2022, which represents 15% of all traffic fatalities.Of the 2,254 motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2022, 42% were alcohol-impaired. Fourth of JulyIn 2022, 487 people died in traffic crashes during the Fourth of July holiday period.40% (196) of those fatalities occurred in drunk driving crashes.Of those who died in drunk driving crashes, 27% were in a crash involving at least one driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration at or above .15 g/dL — almost twice the legal limit in almost every state. August/Labor DayDuring the 2022 Labor Day holiday (6 p.m. September 2-5:59 a.m. September 6), there were 490 crash fatalities nationwide, and 94 were motorcycle riders.Of these 94 motorcycle rider fatalities, 44% (41) were killed in drunk driving crashes, and over a quarter (29%) were killed in crashes that involved drivers with a BAC almost twice the legal limit (.15+ BAC).Among drivers between the ages of 18 and 34 who were killed in crashes over the Labor Day holiday in 2022, 47% of those drivers were drunk, with BACs of .08 or higherMore StatsFor general drunk driving statistics, visit our drunk driving section.For facts translated in Spanish, visit Talking Points We've prepared talking points related to Rider Sober or Get Pulled Over. These can be used as part of your Labor Day and Fourth of July holiday enforcement campaign messaging. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document. Talking Points | English Talking Points | Spanish July 4th During the Fourth of July holiday, you can use many of the materials available on this page to increase your Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over messaging. In addition, assets specific to the holiday are available. Those include a social media playbook with graphics, additional social media posts, and a sample news release. We also have a statistic specific to the Fourth of July holiday in the Facts section of this page. Coming Soon: Social Media Coming Soon: Spanish Sample News Release | English Keep Your Independence | Static 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Keep Your Independence | Animated 1080x1920 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD August/Labor Day During the Labor Day holiday, you can use many of the materials available on this page to increase your Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over messaging. In addition, assets specific to the holiday are available. Those include a social media playbook with graphics, additional social media posts, and a sample news release. We also have a statistic specific to the Labor Day holiday in the Facts section of this page. Coming Soon Spin Wheels DUI | Static 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Spin Wheels DUI | Animated 1080x1920 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Ads Don’t Roll Throttle | English Banner Ad | 7 Animated, 7 Static DOWNLOAD Drunk | Enforcement | Motorcycles | English TV & Digital | :30 :15 :06 available by request PREVIEW If a video is noted as Available by Request, it is not available for immediate download. A state may submit a request to NHTSA and the ad can be retagged with their stage logo.Note: No one may alter, edit, or change a NHTSA TV ad or digital video. Media Plans The Media Work Plan provides an overview of the research and trends that inform NHTSA's national paid media plan for the campaign. The Media Buy Summary provides an overview of the media channels, media partner selection and tactics that will be activated to reach the target audience. Coming Soon: Media Buy Summary Annual Media Work Plan Campaign Research Concept Testing | 2024 Future Dates 2026August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 14 – September 7, 2026Paid Media: August 12 – September 7, 2026Earned Media: July 13 – September 14, 20262027August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 13 – September 5, 2027Paid Media: August 11 – September 5, 2027Earned Media: July 14 – September 12, 20272028August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 18 – September 3, 2028Paid Media: August 16 – September 3, 2028Earned Media: July 12 – September 10, 2028 Additional Resources Ride Sober or Get Pulled OverMore on Motorcycle SafetySign up to get campaign updates via email from Traffic Safety Marketing
Safety Topics Safety Topics Bicycle Safety Child Safety Distracted Driving Drug-Impaired Driving Drunk Driving First Responder Safety Motorcycle Safety Older Driver Safety Pedestrian Safety Rail Grade Crossing School Bus Safety Seat Belt Safety Speeding Teen Driver Safety Vehicle Safety View All Breadcrumb Safety Topics Drunk Driving Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over About Enforcement CampaignRide Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national high-visibility enforcement campaign that focuses specifically on the consequences of drunk riding while urging riders to get a safe, sober ride home. Material created for this campaign highlights law enforcement’s goal of stopping drunk riders and spreading awareness about the increased police presence on our nation’s roads during this period.National MobilizationsAugust/September: Labor Day high-visibility enforcement campaign.Enforcement: August 15 – September 1, 2025Paid Media: August 13 – September 1, 2025Earned Media: July 14 – September 8, 2025These campaign dates coincide with the alcohol-impaired Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.Also, Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over may be used if high-visibility enforcement is happening in your area over the Fourth of July holiday. Facts Messaging July 4th Aug/Labor Day Ads Resources Facts Overview6,218 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2022, which represents 15% of all traffic fatalities.Of the 2,254 motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2022, 42% were alcohol-impaired. Fourth of JulyIn 2022, 487 people died in traffic crashes during the Fourth of July holiday period.40% (196) of those fatalities occurred in drunk driving crashes.Of those who died in drunk driving crashes, 27% were in a crash involving at least one driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration at or above .15 g/dL — almost twice the legal limit in almost every state. August/Labor DayDuring the 2022 Labor Day holiday (6 p.m. September 2-5:59 a.m. September 6), there were 490 crash fatalities nationwide, and 94 were motorcycle riders.Of these 94 motorcycle rider fatalities, 44% (41) were killed in drunk driving crashes, and over a quarter (29%) were killed in crashes that involved drivers with a BAC almost twice the legal limit (.15+ BAC).Among drivers between the ages of 18 and 34 who were killed in crashes over the Labor Day holiday in 2022, 47% of those drivers were drunk, with BACs of .08 or higherMore StatsFor general drunk driving statistics, visit our drunk driving section.For facts translated in Spanish, visit Talking Points We've prepared talking points related to Rider Sober or Get Pulled Over. These can be used as part of your Labor Day and Fourth of July holiday enforcement campaign messaging. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document. Talking Points | English Talking Points | Spanish July 4th During the Fourth of July holiday, you can use many of the materials available on this page to increase your Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over messaging. In addition, assets specific to the holiday are available. Those include a social media playbook with graphics, additional social media posts, and a sample news release. We also have a statistic specific to the Fourth of July holiday in the Facts section of this page. Coming Soon: Social Media Coming Soon: Spanish Sample News Release | English Keep Your Independence | Static 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Keep Your Independence | Animated 1080x1920 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD August/Labor Day During the Labor Day holiday, you can use many of the materials available on this page to increase your Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over messaging. In addition, assets specific to the holiday are available. Those include a social media playbook with graphics, additional social media posts, and a sample news release. We also have a statistic specific to the Labor Day holiday in the Facts section of this page. Coming Soon Spin Wheels DUI | Static 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Spin Wheels DUI | Animated 1080x1920 | Facebook, X, Instagram PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Ads Don’t Roll Throttle | English Banner Ad | 7 Animated, 7 Static DOWNLOAD Drunk | Enforcement | Motorcycles | English TV & Digital | :30 :15 :06 available by request PREVIEW If a video is noted as Available by Request, it is not available for immediate download. A state may submit a request to NHTSA and the ad can be retagged with their stage logo.Note: No one may alter, edit, or change a NHTSA TV ad or digital video. Media Plans The Media Work Plan provides an overview of the research and trends that inform NHTSA's national paid media plan for the campaign. The Media Buy Summary provides an overview of the media channels, media partner selection and tactics that will be activated to reach the target audience. Coming Soon: Media Buy Summary Annual Media Work Plan Campaign Research Concept Testing | 2024 Future Dates 2026August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 14 – September 7, 2026Paid Media: August 12 – September 7, 2026Earned Media: July 13 – September 14, 20262027August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 13 – September 5, 2027Paid Media: August 11 – September 5, 2027Earned Media: July 14 – September 12, 20272028August/Labor DayEnforcement: August 18 – September 3, 2028Paid Media: August 16 – September 3, 2028Earned Media: July 12 – September 10, 2028 Additional Resources Ride Sober or Get Pulled OverMore on Motorcycle SafetySign up to get campaign updates via email from Traffic Safety Marketing