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Motorcycle Safety

Millions of people across the United States ride motorcycles – some as a primary or secondary form of transportation, and others as a leisure ride. You can use this material as part of your communication plan to promote motorcycle safety – for motorcyclists and drivers. 

Share this information with partner organizations to help spread the message across communities. 

A reminder: May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a good opportunity to increase safety messaging across all platforms. 


Motorcycle facts, stats and reports from NHTSA's National Center for Statistics and Analysis

Get More Facts & Reports
  • 6,218 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2022, which represents 15% of all traffic fatalities.
  • The fatality rate for motorcyclists was 22 times more than the passenger car occupant fatality rate in 2022, per 100 million vehicle miles traveled.
  • 35% of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in 2022 were speeding, compared to 22% of all passenger car drivers. Motorcycle riders 21 to 24 years old involved in fatal crashes had the highest speeding involvement at 51% in 2022.
  • Of the 2,254 motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2022, 42% were alcohol-impaired.
  • Motorcycle helmet use increased among motorcycle riders from 64.9% in 2021 to 66.5% in 2022. Similarly, among motorcycle riders with passengers, helmet use increased: 52.1% in 2021 and 58.3% in 2022.

    For facts translated in Spanish, visit

Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and you'll see increased communication related to motorcycle safety. You can use any of the material available on this page to increase your motorcycle safety messaging.

Also, sample news releases can be downloaded and used during Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

  • Coming Soon: Spanish

Talking Points

We've prepared talking points related to bicycle safety. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document.

  • Coming Soon: Spanish

Social Media

Sample social media posts are available for you to use on your various social media platforms, including Facebook, X and Instagram.

Images often help boost content engagement, especially on social media posts. Use any of the graphics on this page or photos from our lmage Library, which is linked below.

Message Boards
















Graphics and Videos

Asset Type

Graphics | English
Fit to Ride | English 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Gear Checklist Facebook, X, Instagram
Licensed To Ride | English 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Passenger Checklist Facebook, X, Instagram
Ride Checklist Facebook, X, Instagram
Rider Checklist Facebook, X, Instagram
Speeding | English 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Videos | English
Adjust Mirrors | English
Blind Spots | English
Braking Explained | English
Hard To See | English
Intersections | English
Keep An Eye | English
Obstructed Views | English
Space Distance | English
Weaving Explained | English
More Graphics & Video | English
Ditch the Novelty Helmets
Helmet Compliant | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
Helmet Label | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
Helmet Rating | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
Helmet Recall | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
Helmet Size | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
Helmet Type | 1200x1200 Facebook, X, Instagram
NHTSA Tested
The Right Fit
The Right Kind
Understanding the Safety Ratings
Videos & Graphics | Spanish
Adjust Mirrors | Spanish
Blind Spots | Spanish
Breaking Explained | Spanish
Fit to Ride | Spanish 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Hard To See | Spanish
Intersections | Spanish
Keep An Eye | Spanish
Licensed To Ride | Spanish 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Obstructed Views | Spanish
Space Distance | Spanish
Speeding | Spanish 1200x1200 | Facebook, X, Instagram
Weaving Explained | Spanish

Images and Ads

Banner Ads Animated | Multiple Versions & Sizes | Zip
Image Library

Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over

Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national enforcement mobilization campaign that focuses specifically on the consequences of operating a motorcycle drunk. For more on this campaign, visit our Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.

Additional Resources